Membri asistati ai fundatiei

We understood from the beginning that the most effective method to help our fellow humans is THE COMMUNICATION. This site attempts as well to become a way of getting you, good people of everywhere, in touch with those who need help.

These tormented souls need not only food, health care, surgeries. They need human warmth, love, kind words. If you feel the urge to share with them your thoughts, to encourage them, please, don't be shy! Use the methods listed here to contact them. We'll do all what is possible to get your messages to those who are waiting for it.

Mihaela Toma

Our organization, also is very open and our activity is transparent. If you require information about our budget, about the progress of some case, if you desire to send us congratulations or constructive criticism, improvement ideas, we're all "eyes and ears".

Buton Play  Humanitarian Campaign

Humanitarian Campaign , organized with the support , Arges County School Inspectorate and Activ- Ortopedic

Humanitarian Campaign- 2015

Buton Play  It is good to help

It is good to help

Email Address

Tel: 0720 910 231

Humanitarian actions

Membri asistati ai fundatiei